Claire V. Bogdanos

Acceptance,Knowledge,Love,New Chapter,Process,Wisdom,

COURTESY ( 2020 ) 2020/06/09

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 9:28 am
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When  I  was young  I tried  to  be

A  credit  to  my  family

I  followed  all  the  rules  I  knew

As  mom  and  dad  had  asked  me  to

They  taught  me manners,  best  they  could

To  be  polite as  children  should.

Speaking  the  truth  was  number  one

Do  not  mock  others  just  for  fun

Be  sure  to  help  if  one’s  in need

And  of  your  words,  take  special  heed

These  rules  were  simple as  you  see

Basics  of  sense  and  courtesy  !





HEARTSTRINGS ( 2019 ) 2019/07/07

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 8:29 am
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I wish I were a  child  again

If  only to  remember when

We both were young, so long ago

And life was our own picture show.

We laughed and loved, it was such fun

For us  our world had just begun

Each moment  held a new surprise

It warmed our hearts and teared our eyes.

I’m  sorry  that it didn’t  last

But left  behind  its storied past

To still  tug on these old heartstrings

With sadness  that  forever clings !


INEXPERIENCED ( 2018 ) 2018/09/08

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 2:26 am
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T’was once upon a time ago

When we were full of life aglow

Before emerged this need to know

With tiny impetus for show

Our lives were truly less confused

Filled with days both calm and diffused

May all that anger be excused

To find ourselves in turn  amused !



LACK OF MANNERS ( 2018 ) 2018/06/11

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 1:41 am
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Sometimes I think  I’m lost in space

Or living in a foreign place

Well, certainly no spot I know

No matter where it is I go !

It’s up or down and all around

It’s in and out or underground

Chock full of people with no couth

Millenials and most our youth.

How sad to notice, worse to be

Midst all this incivility !




NOSTALGIA ( 2016 ) 2016/07/29

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 3:13 pm
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Oh that yearning for times long past

Those youthful days that did not last

Where all our dreams began as hope

To bear no limits in their scope

For youth is that which knows no fear

Of obstacles both far and near.

Yet all too soon those days must pass

Like shadows in life’s looking glass

While time alone may leave its marks

As former youth on age embarks

There face anew another day

To pack their former life away !


MOVE ON ( 2015 ) 2015/06/11

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 1:45 am
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To those days that were and are no more

With youth and beauty flown out the door

To leave us dreaming what used to be

When times were young and our lives carefree.

Oh to relive those elusive days

Where we thrived on love and hope and praise

Since all’s now past, chances diminished

The road is done, we’re almost finished !


OLD MEN’S DREAMS ( 2015 ) 2015/06/08

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 2:48 am
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Once you and I walked hand in hand

We dug our toes into the sand

Salt water lapped about our feet

The ocean air was crisp and sweet

The breeze seemed to caress our hair

Twas such a pleasure to be there.

I can remember that last day

The one before you went away

All wars have costs that rise too high

With little chance for much goodbye.

War has not changed these thousand years

Great danger bides beyond our fears

Tis sad to say but true it seems

That youth still pays for old men’s dreams !


LEARN TO SHARE ( 2015 ) 2015/05/16

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 8:00 am
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When I was young and meek and mild

I knew the manners of a child

But as I grew and aged a bit

My ways improved I learned to fit.

It seems to me that age must share

Abilities of love and care

Yet caution all to patience earn

As one by one each takes a turn !


SEVENTEEN ( 2015 ) 2015/05/14

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 9:23 am
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I found my love when but a teen

I knew great joy at seventeen

I thought the world was lean and keen

When I had turned just seventeen.

The times were tough and war was mean

When I was only seventeen

My heart got broken neat and clean

And there I was but seventeen.

All through those years that passed unseen

Life disappeared at seventeen

I wish my time had been pristine

Like once it was at seventeen

I’d sacrifice the years between

Again to be just seventeen !


GROWING UP ( 2015 ) 2015/03/30

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 9:37 am
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They’ve walked and talked and played a bit

They’ve tossed and lost, made fun of it

As playmates they have shared a game

They ran about and called each name.

For that is what small children do

Beginning to form friendships true

While all the years that pass between

Hold fast as they become a teen.

Their friendships have a special bond

They cling to those of whom they’re fond

They fill the hours of youthful days

In trying out our grownup ways.

God plays a role for they must grow

Into adults who need to know

Because this task is too intense

Who speaks for them in their defense

The problem is in growing up

One needs to drink from every cup !


CANDLELIGHT ( 2014 ) 2014/10/01

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 6:17 am
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How I do miss the candles’  light

That flickered silent in the night

Its flame once bright now fades to dim

Lights dancing on the glasses’  rim

Creating shadows on the lace

While brightness shimmers on the face.

The waxy smell sweetens the air

Reminding one of evening prayer.

Those aged candlesticks recall

The winding stairs where footsteps fall

There in the dim glow of each night

That sees the heart in candlelight !



ONE WAY TICKET ( 2014 ) 2014/07/03

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 8:24 pm
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The sunshine sneaks into my room

Replacing night time’s eerie gloom

The photos hung upon the wall

Do happy days and times recall.

Familiar faces one by one

Remind me of past summer’s fun

Those thoughts so full of magic sights

And warm and sunny days and nights !

I wish somehow we could return

To memories for which we yearn

But it’s too late for turning back

That train left on another track !


THE BELLMAN ( 2014 ) 2014/02/05

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 11:50 pm
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The bells ring out with such joyful sound

The bellmans feet scarce touch the ground

He performs the chore his very best

His effort seems to outdo the rest.

What a happy face he shows to God

As he pulls those cords so extra hard,

What a wond’rous place for us to be

To share this path to eternity !


ONE MORE TIME ( 2014 ) 2014/01/01

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 1:56 pm
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I’ve seen the little children play

Around the park along the way

I’ve heard their jumbled shrieks of glee

While hiding there behind a tree !

They laugh and skip and jump and run

It’s heart warming to see such fun.

Sometimes I feel the strongest yearn

To be a child who can return

I’d put my grownup cares away

Just to be young for one last day !


REGRETS ( 2013 ) 2013/09/13

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 1:43 pm
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I met a boy I know not when

So long ago remember then

How is it that I can’t forget

Within this life a deep regret ?

I’ve turned a corner in my mind

While searching but I cannot find

The special closeness that we shared

And like most hopes were unprepared.

We did not meet, no not today

As other strangers had their way

And yet the past is always there

It mattered not  how much we cared.

In all our dreams it’s far too late

No matter then how long we’d wait

The sadness that I can’t deny

We never got to say goodbye !


WHAT IS GREEN ( 2001 ) 2013/04/21

Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 1:29 pm
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Wherever you look this world is shaded in green dye

From the forest’s floor clear to a rainbow in the sky,

A verdant place live with the miracle of God’s care

Plush valleys, woodlands and mountains that rise in the air.

What is green? I know that its not these roads that I trod

But the friendly gardens I pass that wave me a nod,

The blazoned grass in the fields and the oak when it’s young,

The trees that cover each grove with their seed as they’re sprung,

Grasshopper’s in flight emitting sounds that echo and hum,

No, not the air that we breathe but the source that it’s from.


Green’s my favorite color and the color of pine

Like the stem of each flower and the stalk of each vine,

The crest of each hill that’s burdened with blossoms it blows,

The fruits of the orchard and the tall corn as it grows,

Solemn moss upon a rock that betrays not its age,

A bird’s chorus sung from a branch, the air as its stage.


What is green? The deep of the sea, the heart of a palm

The chant of the willow’s sweep like the words of a psalm,

Caterpillars at birth and the new bud of a rose,

The youth of a man, the lid of his grave at its close,

The rigid eyes of a cat while its vigil will keep

In silence watching some prey, seeming lulled into sleep,

And there, like vespers in the wind that scatters  its seeds

Fast being held in the grasp of life’s swift spreading weeds

Tiny sprouts that protrude through the wet earth after rain

Are now promising me hope that the green will remain.

While the green of an emerald possesses great worth,

The best of life’s green is bound to the crust of the earth

Be glad that green’s the one color we cannot replace

It relieves the monotony of blacks, browns, and grays.


COMMENTARY ( 1952 ) 2013/02/20

This loud vituperous generation

Bred of wealth and moral degradation,

Abusive seedlings of decadence sown,

Wanton youth, in lack of awareness grown,

Floundering, for want of clear fortitude

Drowning in the flow of visciditude,

Expressing blame in terms most coarse and vile,

Censure holding, and decency defiled.

Poor wasted youth in sad afflicted plight

That knows no pledge nor holds a promise bright

They having days with but little merit

Some future, this lunacy inherit.