Claire V. Bogdanos

Acceptance,Knowledge,Love,New Chapter,Process,Wisdom,

ABOUT ME 2013/04/13

DATELINE :  Hoboken, New Jersey, U.S.A

Have you ever wondered about the person writing all of the words that fill this website?  Wonder no more for I shall reveal myself beginning now! I have been writing since I was six years old, a child of the Great Depression and of course, a girl.   My mother met my father when she was 14 years old and he was almost 16. It was love at first sight, the year was 1927. Is it the Chinese who say, ” May you live in interesting times ” ?  Well, I have and I shall share with you!  We may grow to love each other without ever meeting, won’t that be typical?


Claire B.


One Response to “ABOUT ME”

  1. Tom Deignan Says:

    researching an article for NJMonthly magazine about “ragamuffins” tradition which you mention here. Can you talk more? Email me?


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