Claire V. Bogdanos

Acceptance,Knowledge,Love,New Chapter,Process,Wisdom,


Filed under: POEMS.....THOUGHTS.....MEMORIES — bogdanosclaire @ 7:40 pm

When I was born Herbert Hoover was our president, Prohibition had been the law since 1920 and the George Washington Bridge did not exist !  Can you imagine ?  Travel was by train while horse and wagon were common place.  Few people had cars and there were sparse “gasoline pumps along the roads.  Mogul John D. Rockefeller Sr. lived on a huge estate behind high iron fencing in Lakewood, New Jersey and was famous for his morning ride in an open car through local streets strewing handfuls of dimes to those along the route.  Since my great-grandmother lived nearby on a small piece of farmland in Cedarwood Park ( no running water ) we would motor the distance to the estate to line up on the roadside to scramble for the coins and I did !  Such excitement repeated very often, I remember that he was dressed in black hence I thought he was on his way to church! By the way that was when I was taught to “candle eggs”,  you never ate a “fertilized”egg, that was like killing the chicken !   Eventually,  the entire estate was given to the people of New Jersey  as a public park and remains so to my knowledge.  Is the term “Noblesse oblige” ?  Think of Rockefeller Center,Jackson Hole and Colonial Williamsburg as a mere token !


Claire B.


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